stem cell therapy

Video: Dr Hotchner Talks Stem Cell Therapy


Dr. Kirby Hotchner Talks Stem Cells from George Gonzalez on Vimeo. Dr. George Gonzalez, DC,QN  Founder of Quantum Neurology®, Hologram Podcast Host, Founder of Brainshock™ Interviews Dr. Hotchner on Stem Cell Therapy uses "Our own bodies produce stem cells. From the time we are embryos to the time we are adult, those are [...]

Video: Dr Hotchner Talks Stem Cell Therapy 2018-11-02T09:40:58-04:00

Stem Cell Therapy Regenerates Health. Dr Mercola


Stem Cell Therapy Regenerates Health Kristin Comella,1 named No. 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 stem cell innovators, has been a stem cell researcher for nearly two decades. In this interview, she discusses the enormous regenerative potential of stem cell therapy. Comella, who holds degrees in chemical and biomedical [...]

Stem Cell Therapy Regenerates Health. Dr Mercola 2017-06-14T14:54:54-04:00