Holistic Coaching 2019-08-17T16:26:23-04:00

Project Description

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

The self reunited.

Spiritual – Mental – Energetic – Physical

Healing & Wholeness

  • Spiritual healing:   the transformation of the mind or consciousness to an awareness of truth of our true identity as God’s child.

  • Emotional/energetic healing:    through the mind we learn to open only to God’s presence and voice, to experience only those true thoughts and emotions we share with God.

  • Physical Healing:   the body being a projection of mind ,is the effect and not the cause. Though we treat the effect through many supportive therapies we emphasize the healing of the mind’s false perceptions about self. It is only a sick mind that can convince us we are sick.

All aspects of our life are greatly improved when the emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves are nurtured . We are meant to live a healthy and joyous life in which everyday is filled with light, purpose, connection, play and fulfillment.  It is through awakening to our true selves that we achieve our full potential. 

 I will help you establish a daily life style ritual conducive to optimizing your feelings of vitality and well-being and most importantly  becoming aware of Gods omnipresence,  omnipotence,  and omniscience.  You will never feel alone as you become aware of your connection to God and all of his creation. This will move from a thought to an actual deep personal experience. We will open our mind starting on awakening to God to reconnect God’s will with ours which are really one.
 We will take brief periods of meditation throughout the day to open and commune with God listening and open to experience our oneness with  God and his will. We will allow that to guide us to be the only voice we listen to to offer all the errors and misperceptions in our mind and of those we meet to the Holy Spirit or spirit of God for healing and correction. We will learn to see only God manifesting himself  in everyone and everything to see beyond the false appearances presenting themselves through our 5 senses and accepting God as the only reality there is. As we see God in our brother and nothing else we will be awakened to know this is also our reality. As we free others we are in turn freed. Our goal then becomes to awaken others by silently knowing the truth about them and refusing to acknowledge anything else about them.

Often the patients who come to see me at The Wholeness Center feel such improvement in their health and life overall that they request more frequent appointments that those required to treat their immediate medical needs.   My holistic approach is based on helping the body heal with all medical treatments available, including western medicine and treatments from integrative medicine that are proven to help you re-align to health and vibrancy. I have spent over thirty years studying and learning about true and vibrant health, about what makes us whole as we are meant to be.

I consider Spiritual Healing as the basis of all areas of our lives, including physical and mental health. As we become aware of our true identity as spiritual beings, perfect exactly as God created us, we leave behind the part of our mind that is sleeping and apart from God. As we become liberated from all the errors in perception about ourselves and our surroundings, we start experiencing our life with awareness and presence – our limitations start to fade away and our potential starts to shine through.

It is so fulfilling to me to help our patients to awaken to their true potential that I have made it my life’s calling.

During our Holistic Coaching sessions together we will examine all aspects of life, starting with your daily rituals, beliefs, habits, and the limiting beliefs that we all carry with us. I will encourage you through the path to healing physically, mentally, energetically, by reconnecting and re-energizing your true identity.

We will talk about meditation and spiritual practice as the cornerstone of everything else you experience. I will guide you through your path as you reconnect with yourself, as you leave behind those beliefs that are not true, and awaken to your true-self and potential.  As a holistic lifestyle coach I will help you reach out for a well rounded life that includes plenty of rest, an energizing diet, lots of natural light, and play.

It is my deep desire to help you become the healthy, joyful, complete person you already know you are.   As you awaken to your true identity you will see your physical health improve, your mind becoming clearer and more tranquil -and gain a deeper enjoyment of life.

Together we will examine how spiritual, mental and physical health will translate into healthy and joyous family and social relationships.

We are one part of the all, and each of us is connected with each other. As we heal ourselves and our beliefs, our relationships with those around us start to improve in surprising ways. As we become more aware of our true selves and our divinity, we start to see the divinity in those around us.  The relationship we have with those in our immediate family is as important as the relationship that we have with ourselves. Our spouse and children really are an ingrained part of ourselves. It is hard to think of anything as rewarding as a fulfilling family life. As we regain our true identity and our energy and vibrancy increase, our joy to be with those dear to us, increases as does their joy to be with us.

My unique style of holistic coaching is based on the belief that we are all whole and complete beings and that as we reconnect with the awareness of our true identity and as we open our minds to the constant divine presence we gain the joy we were born to experience as God’s  children.

I would love to share my passion for a fulfilling and joyous life with you through holistic coaching sessions.

Dr. Hotchner

Holistic Coaching

My holistic lifestyle coaching  is based on helping you reconnect with your true identity as a complete and perfect being. It is through this understanding that you will begin to heal all areas of your life. My passion is to educate, inspire, and help you to realize your wholeness, your perfection, your true identity.

Spiritual – Mental – Energetic – Physical

Healing & Wholeness

For over thirty five years I have studied all available therapies, including spiritual practice, meditation and self-perception as part of healing and as a way to reach our full potential. From an early age I have had the desire to learn everything I can about health; that is why I became a physician, a holistic doctor, a certified yoga instructor, a meditation teacher, became certified in Quantum Neurology, and why I am an Ordained Healing Minister.

Together we will use a full range of healing modalities to help you through your current challenges, spiritual and physical, and to help you recognize that you already have in you what is needed for a joyous, achieving and fulfilled life.

I encourage you to contact us to schedule your first medical visit with me, and to consider allowing me to be your Holistic Coach.

Call us to schedule your appointment with Dr. Hotchner:  (305) 856-8185

The Wholeness Center

&  Dr Kirby Hotchner

Doctor Hotchner Photo

“Our mission is to educate, support, and work with the patient as a team to help each person to heal spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I do this out of my passion to help each person rediscover their wholeness, their true identity as God’s creation and child.”

Dr. Kirby Hotchner


Mon – Tues – Th – Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m
Wednesday 9 a.m – 12 noon
Closed for lunch 12 noon – 1 p.m.

  305. 856.8185


1330 SW 22nd St Suite 205 Miami, FL 33145

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