Project Description
Spiritual – Emotional / Energetic – Physical
Healing Thoughts
The Wholeness Center
The self reunited.
Spiritual healing: the transformation of the mind or consciousness to an awareness of truth of our true identity as God’s child.
Emotional/energetic healing: through the mind we learn to open only to God’s presence and voice, to experience only those true thoughts and emotions we share with God.
Physical Healing: the body being a projection of mind ,is the effect and not the cause. Though we treat the effect through many supportive therapies we emphasize the healing of the mind’s false perceptions about self. It is only a sick mind that can convince us we are sick.
The mind consciously or subconsciously has accepted and believes many untruths many of which are universal, cultural, societal or familial. We have the power to choose what thoughts to believe or not.Ask yourself if any negative, ugly, or painful thought you have is really true. It never is. Only God’s realityis truth so we can choose to accept and open to that and align our self with that.
Examples of such truths are;
God and I are oneAll that God is I am
All that God has I have
The ground on which I stand is holy ground
I have bread, water, meat, wine that the world knows not of (my awareness of my oneness with God)
I of my own self can do nothing it is the spirit of God in me that does the great works
God’s grace is my sufficiency in all things
I am the open door through which God’s grace, light, love and miracles flow
I am just as God created me perfect and whole
There are no other realities, powers, or law acting on other than God
You could take any one of these contemplate it for a moment than open to God and ask him to reveal to you its meaning and be receptive and listen. As you practice opening and listening and believing only that is true and not listening to any of the ego’s mad ravings your Mind will be transformed.
Our physical health is greatly improved when the emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves are nurtured
The mind consciously or subconsciously has accepted and believes many untruths many of which are universal, cultural, societal or familial. We have the power to choose what thoughts to believe or not.Ask yourself if any negative, ugly, or painful thought you have is really true. It never is. Only God’s realityis truth so we can choose to accept and open to that and align our self with that.
Examples of such truths are;
God and I are oneAll that God is I am
All that God has I have
The ground on which I stand is holy ground
I have bread, water, meat, wine that the world knows not of (my awareness of my oneness with God)
I of my own self can do nothing it is the spirit of God in me that does the great works
God’s grace is my sufficiency in all things
I am the open door through which God’s grace, light, love and miracles flow
I am just as God created me perfect and whole
There are no other realities, powers, or law acting on other than God
You could take any one of these contemplate it for a moment than open to God and ask him to reveal to you its meaning and be receptive and listen. As you practice opening and listening and believing only that is true and not listening to any of the ego’s mad ravings your Mind will be transformed.
The Wholeness Center
& Dr Kirby Hotchner

“Our mission is to educate, support, and work with the patient as a team to help each person to heal spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I do this out of my passion to help each person rediscover their wholeness, their true identity as God’s creation and child.”
Mon – Tues – Th – Fri | 8 a.m. – 4 p.m |
Wednesday | 9 a.m – 12 noon |
Closed for lunch | 12 noon – 1 p.m. |
305. 856.8185
1330 SW 22nd St Suite 205 Miami, FL 33145