Alonzo Mourning's Book "Resilience" Chapter 12: Doctor Hotchner Holistic Medicine.

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Alonzo Mourning Dedicates Chapter 12 of his book to Healing & Dr. Hotchner.

“I drove over to his office with absolutely no faith that anything he suggested would work. I doubt anyone has ever walked into his office more skeptical of holistic medicine than I did that day. I wasn’t going to achieve wellness, I was going to achieve peace and quiet from my wife. But a couple of things started to make me reconsider. First off, Dr. Hotchner is very serious about what he does. …He is very knowledgeable about western medicine but he has alI’ve been under a tremendous transformation in the five years I’ve been under Dr. Hotchner’s care.  Just tremendous. I have a whole new attitude to life. It is like a whole new universe opened up to studied holistic and natural approaches and, armed with all the information, chose that route. “In 2000, Mourning was on top of the world: He had a fat new contract, an Olympic gold medal, and a second beautiful child–all that and the fame and wealth he had earned playing the game he loved. But in September of that year, he was diagnosed with a rare and fatal kidney disease. Over the next couple of years, as his health faltered, he retired, unretired, and retired again–and sought to make sense of the rest of his life.

Finally in 2003, after a frantic search for a donor match, Mourning had a new kidney and a new outlook. He vowed to make this second chance count by dedicating his life to others. He resolved that he would consider the disease a blessing, a revelation of God’s plan for him.

Tracy and Alonzo have kindly allowed us to post chapter 12 of his book to share the story of his journey to healing. Please read it below.

Dr hotchner review resilience book alonzo mourning holistic miami.pdf by monkeydevelopers on Scribd


Th Mourning Family Foundation Logo and Link

 The Mourning Family Foundation, is a nonprofit organization founded by Tracy and Alonzo Mourning that focuses on youth development through advocacy, education and enrichment. Since 1997, the Mourning Family Foundation has served thousands of children and their families by raising over $25 million to support various youth development programs, including the Overtown Youth Center and Honey Shine programs. By providing educational and extracurricular activities, MFF has helped to change the trajectory for hundreds of young people from South Florida’s disenfranchised communities.