Wholeness 2015 Healing -Awakening the mind to truth

Studies show good health is all important

All healing is mental healing, or healing of the mind, followed by diet, exercise and liver cleansing. Supplements and other therapies are not what is most important, what is most important is healing of the mind.

Healing is the awakening of the mind to truth to that that has always been to the way that God created ways to be.

The mind heals the body

Contrary to popular belief, the body does not lead the body, as it is the mind that sets the tone for healing, mood and energy.

Exercsie is also important, but we start with the spirit

Using our body in the way it was designed to be use is extremely important. It is also important to remember that it is our mind that puts our body in motion.

  • The Spirit

  • The Mind

  • Diet and Clean Food

  • Liver Cleansing

  • Exercise

  • Supplements

  • Therapies

It is our belief that we all start in the spiritual realm through our minds which allow us to see our world as it truly is. It is with our minds that we can discern truth from untruth, reality from fantasy, and which keeps us whole.

Studies show that consistency is all important

Healing is done every moment of our lives, not just at the doctor’s office, while we are following therapy, or for a set period of time.  It is our willingness to yield, to let the holy spirit guide our every moment of our lives that will allow us to heal and lead vibrant, healthy, happy lives.


Doctor Hotchner Photo

“Our mission is to educate, support, and work with the patient as a team to help each person to heal spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I do this out of my passion to help each person rediscover their wholeness, their true identity as God’s creation and child.”

Dr. Kirby Hotchner


Mon – Tues – Th – Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m
Wednesday 9 a.m – 12 noon
Closed for lunch 12 noon – 1 p.m.

  305. 856.8185


Make An Appointment

Call us at any time to make your appointment, or to ask us any questions you may have.
